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Paris Grand Angle - Page 6

  • Panoramic photography


    Paris, photography, panorama, Horizon 202

    There are many ways to achive a true panoramic photograph. The way I do it is using a Soviet camera named Horizon 202. It is a simple and reliable tool. The only thing not simple with it is loading the film.

    Once you are done with that, you can start shooting. Mesure the light ? Well you will need an additionnal tool, a portable, handheld light meter. But you get a wide angle viewfinder with a bubble level for the horinzontal shots. For the vertical ones, you just have to be careful.

    In Paris there is one nice place to test your skills with a panoramic camera, i.e. la Grande Bibliothèque in the 13th arrondissement. If it is has rained it is even better thanks to the shiny wooden floors.

  • New toy 2







    It is now time to unveil the new toy. You could see leather case on a previous post.

    Now here is a photograph of the camera itself.

    I believe you will agree with me in saying it is a beautiful piece of chraftmanship.

    A product from Agfa in Germany built around 1960, it was called Agfaflex in the USA and

    Ambiflex in the rest of the world.

    Agfa, photography, camera, Ambiflex

    I got mine with four lenses. The one visible on the picture : 

    - Color Solagon 50 mm f:2.0


    - Color Ambion 35 mm f:3.4

    - Color Telinear 90 mm f:3.4

    - Color Telinear 135 mm f:4.0

    I am in the process of shooting the first film. I shall keep you posted on the









  • Shooting in the park

    Paris is studded with many green areas.

    One on the most visited is Parc du Luxembourg at the hedge of Latin District.

    It is a perfect place to practice your photographic skills.

    Whether you are a fan of sculpture, portrait, flower, people photography you will find every opportunity

    to use your camera.




  • New toy

    Do you know that although Christmas is still five (5) long months away it is not forbidden to get yourself a nice present now.

    That is just what I did.

    I was cycling through the 8th arrondissement close to the Interior Ministry more precisely still in Rue Miromesnil and I came accross this wonderful shop for old camera amateurs.

    Antique Camera is its name.


    The owner is a living camera dictionary and he is ready to share his knowledge.

    On the spur of the moment I stepped in and asked whether he would have in stock a very specific camera I have been trying to lay my hands on lately. I knew the chances were extremely low.



    Well, as they say, all the winners did play...
  • Where very few tourists go...


    I would like to introduce you to the André Citroen park.
    Located where the famous carmaker plant had been from

    1915 - 1972 and where much before a bleach producer was

    established it was opened in 1992.
    It is a very modern combination of gray stones, water,


    grass and flowers. A huge ballon which can accomodate up to 30
    adults and 60 kids can take you for a ride up to the sky. 
    It is the place where I do most of my portrait shootings.